o que você procura?

Since 2009, Museu Afro Brasil’s Research Team investigates themes evoked by temporary exhibitions, itinerant and, especially, wide themes brought bythe museum's collection. It has been produced numerous documents that marks the exhibition’s opening, academic events such as “thematic meetings”, seminars and other events, besides collecting information of historical, sociological, artistic and ethnographic context that makes theorical and textual material of the institution.
We hope with these texts you can amplify your knowledge and discuss them through the critical thinking.
  • Collection of Indigenous Art in the Afro Brasil Museum

    Part of the Afro Brasil Museum’s native art collection that is exhibited is composed by Rosa Gauditano’s (1955) photographs, a São Paulo-born woman that since 1989 established an intimacy with various native peoples. We also expose a small number of pieces with anthropological values.

    Collection of Indigenous Art in the Afro Brasil Museum
  • Balangandãs, Barangandã, Berenguendens

    The song immortalized by the great Bahian Dorival Caymmi (1914-2008) synthetizes the use of exuberant adornments as the proper feminine essence of the Bahian woman and internationally as the picture of the “Brazilian woman”. In a sense, the balangandã can be seen as an important [essential] piece of jewelry that incorporates the uses and design of Bahian jewelry.

    Balangandas ENG
  • Candomblé

    Candomblé is the cult of the African gods, as practiced in Bahia. The religions brought  in the old days by different nations from the African coast were undeniably perpetuated here.

    Candomble ENG
  • Maracatu

    The maracatu-nação is an African-Brazilian festival typically included in the Pernambucan carnival. Its characters and figures attest to its association with the crowning of African kings, a traditional custom in Afro-Brazilian popular culture.

    Maracatu ENG
  • The African-Brazilian religions

    In Brazil, Slavery created a contact between the religions of various African nations that ended up assimilating and exchanging similar elements from their cultures.

    PDF File

The museum is opened from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm extending until 6pm. On the last Tuesday of each month, the museum is opened until 9pm.

The museum is open all year, except on:

  • December 24th and 25th
  • December 31st
  • January 1st